2023 Annual General Meeting, Thursday 19th October

This year’s AGM will follow the evening event in Keswick and will be held at Portinscale Village Hall at 7pm.  You are welcome to attend whether or not you attend the event.
There will be a short meeting to complete the formal business of the AGM which will be followed by a steak pie, pea and gravy meal (vegetarian cheese and onion pie available or a vegan sausage roll).
IMPORTANT: We will need to know numbers for the catering, so please let the Social Secretary Carl Humphreys (carlhumf@gmail.com,  07866 948845 ) know by Saturday 14th October if you are able to attend and of your choice of food.
Please inform the Secretary if you have any proposals to be raised at the AGM. You will find copies of the Agenda, last year's Minutes and Officer's Reports HERE to read before the meeting.