Here are some details of who won what when at WCOC over the past few years (going back to 2007). If you have any further information from longer ago, please get in touch via
Awards for 2019 (given out at Club Social, Jan 4th 2020):
- Chris Bland Trophy - Roger Jackson - for his outstanding contribution to WCOC
- Rising Stars - Jamie Rennie and Catherine Wetherfield - for progress up the BOF rankings
- Rising Stars - Alex and Stuart Crawford - for collecting a full set of 6 BOF ranking scores
- Galoppen course winners (juniors) - Wilf Teasdale (Green), Emma Crawford (Lt gr), Sophie Crawford (Orange), Toby Heppell (Orange)
- Club Legend - Liz Elliot - for competing in 70 events in her 70th year!
- (Minimal) Carbon Footprint Award - Mike Pearson
- New Planners in 2019 - Crawford family, Caitlin Pearson, Joe Sunley, Rebecca Crellin, Jonty Goodwin, and Herbie Ashworth
Junior awards:
- Individual girl - Daisy Rennie; Individual boy - Hiroki Holmes
- Team award - Joe Sunley, Charlie Rennie and Joe Hudd (for wins in relays - JK M48- and British M18)
- Most improved -
Club Chase 2020 (Jan 4th):
- Winner - Anne Burbidge
- Course Winners - Charlie Rennie (Brown), Steve Breeze (Blue), Scott Ashworth (Green), Daisy Rennie (Lt Green), Toby Heppell (Orange) and Hiroki Holmes (Yellow)
Club Chase 2019 (Jan 6th)
- Winner - Nick Evans
- Course Winners - Sam Stead (Brown), Graham Waatson (Blue), Caitlin Irving (Green), Isaac Hunter (Lt Gr), George Rennie (Orange), Sophie Crawford (Yellow)
(Note: the format of having the social in the evening after the Club Chase means that this year there are 2 Club Chase winners to report)
Other notable successes:
- Peter Palmer Relays (national junior club competition) - WCOC winners in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019
- British Schools Orientering Championships (national school competition) - Cockermouth School second in Nov 2019
Awards for 2018 (given out at Club Social, Jan 5th 2019):
- Chris Bland Trophy - Graham Watson and Mike Harrison - for their outstanding contribution to WCOC over the past few years
- Rising Stars - Helen Rennie and Jon Eaton - for progress up the BOF rankings
- Galoppen course winners (juniors) - Wilf Teasdale (Lt Gr), Isaac Hunter (Orange), Hiroki Holmes (Yellow), Sophie Crawford (Yellow)
Junior awards:
- Individual girl - Niamh Hunter; Individual boy - Alastair Thomas and Daniel Spencer
- Team award - ALL the juniors (for so much success over the year again, including 3rd Peter Palmer Trophy in a row, and 2nd at Yvette Baker)
- Most improved - Emma Crawford
Club Chase (Jan 7th 2018) - Louis Morris
NEW (Jan 19) - Click here for WCOC British and JK Champions 2006 to 2018 (this list may not be complete - please contact if you have more information)
Other notable successes:
- Peter Palmer Relays (national junior club competition) - WCOC winners in 2016, 2017 and 2018
- British Schools Orientering Championships (national school competition) - Cockermouth School winners in 2015, 2016 and 2017, second in 2018 (with teams made up of WCOC juniors)
Awards for 2017 (given out at Club Social, Jan 6th, 2018):
- Club Chase (July 8th 2017) - Joe Sunley
- Club Chase (Jan 7th 2017) - Matthew Vokes
Awards for 2016 (given out at Club Social, Jan 7th 2017):
- Chris Bland Trophy - Lynne Thomas - for her outstanding contribution to coaching at WCOC over the past few years
- Rising Stars - Liz Elliot and Steve Holmes - for progress up the BOF rankings
- Orienteers of the Year - Sue Skinner and Simon Hunter - for those who have continued to improve and perform at a high level through the year
- Junior awards:
- Individual girl - Niamh Hunter; Individual boy - Joe Sunley
- Team award - ALL the juniors (for so much success over the year)
- Most improved - Ben Goodwin
Club Chase (Jan 2016) - Anne Burbidge
Awards for 2015
Orienteers of the Year:
- Alastair Thomas - World Schools Gold (Long) and Silver (Middle). Night, sprint and middle British Champion. JK Relay win, JHIs, GB Talent squad
- Hannah Bradley - consistent improved good performance, with big rise in BOF ranking.
Rising Stars - Vanessa Brierley and Ian Teasdale
Planner - Helen Winskill (CSC event at High Rigg)
Chris Bland Trophy (major contribution) - John Taylor
- Individual girl - Isabel Sunley; Individual boy - Isaac Hunter
- Team - Ben Breeze, Daniel Spencer, Alastair Thomas
- Most improved - Joe Goodwin
Awards for 2014
Performance Awards - Helen Winskill, Lewis Taylor, Katrina Hemmingway, Steve Birkinshaw, Sue Skinner, Mike Billinghurst, Kate Charles, David Spencer, Angela Jackson, Phil Winskill
Chris Bland Trophy - Lesley Worrnham
- Team of the Year - Jen, Kate and Katie - British Schools win
- Individual Awards (for commitment, performance and improvement) - Ben Goodwin, Niamh Hunter
Awards for 2013
Performance Awards - Lewis Taylor, Charlotte Watson, Mike Billinghurst, Helen Winskill, John Slater, Katrina Hemmingway, David Spencer, Sue Skinner, Alan Irving, Kate Charles
Mapping - Pete Nelson
Chris Bland Trophy (Major Contribution to the Club) - Margaret Mackenzie (10 years as club captain and work with schools)
Rising Stars - Vanessa Brierley, Jane Hunter, Catherine Wetherfield, Pam Rumney, Ian Teasdale, Chris Hope, Deborah Goodwin, ....Maxwell
Awards for 2012
Performance (seniors from BOF ranking) - Lewis Taylor, Mike Billinghurst, Helen Winskill, Charlotte Watson, Alan Irving, Andrew Bradley, David Spencer, Phil Winskill, John Slater, John Taylor
Performance (juniors) - Alastair Thomas, Charlotte Watson, Rosie Watson, Katie Lowles, Kate Skinner, Jen Bradley, Joe Goodwin, Daniel Spencer, Hannah Bradley, Katrina Hemmingway, Lewis Taylor
Outstanding Achievement - Lewis Talylor, Mike Billinghurst, Helen Winskill, Charlotte Watson, Alan Irving, Phil Winskill, John Slater, Alastair Thomas, Hannah Bradley
Chris Bland Trophy - Natalie Burns
Major Contribution - BOC Team of John Slater, Kate Charles, Dave Downes, Nettie and Mike Billinghurst, Mike Pearson, Dick Warner, Sue Skinner (Relays Planner), and Lynne Thomas (Coordinater for the whole event)
Team of the Year - British Champions, Womens Trophy - Rosie Watson, Helen Winskill, Margaret Mackenzie (WCOC 2nd year in a row)
Mapping - Jon Eaton (Westlakes Sprint Map)
Rising Stars - Angela Jackson, Rosie Spencer, Niamh Hunter, Katie Lowles, Daniel Spencer, Callum Pearson
Most memorable event - High Rigg Galloppen
Awards for 2011
Performance - Steve Birkinshaw, Lewis Taylor, Mike Billinghurst, Charlotte Watson, Helen Winskill, John Slater, Alan Irving, Andy Bradley, Phil Winskill, Martin Skinner, Alastair Thomas, Katrina Hemmingway, Rosie Watson (JHIs).
Rising Stars - Kate Skinner, Daniel Spencer, Ben Breeze, Jessica Breeze, Alex Chaudri, David Spencer, Ian Lowles
Chris Bland Trophy - Dave Fenwick
Major Contribution - Dave Downes (fashion, membership)
Team of the Year - Ladies British Champions - Helen Winskill, Charlotte Watson, Margaret Mackenzie
Junior Star - Charlotte Watson - JK W18E, JWOC, Northern Champion
Mapping - Andy Warner (110th map)
Memorable event - Silloth (Andy Warner)
Awards for 2010
Team of the year - Yr 8 Girls, Jenny Bradley, Katie Lowles, Kate Skinner
Rising Stars - Chris Telford, Philip Jennings, Anne Burbidge, Callum Pearson, Steve Telford
Outstanding Achievement: top 10 WCOC in British Rankings:
1 Lewis Taylor - selected for England JHI and summer tour, and British Night Champion
2 Mike Billinghurst
3 Charlotte Watson - British Champion, JK Winner, selected for England JHI and JWOC in Denmark
4 Helen Winskill
5 Graham Hemmingway
6 Alan Irving
7 Andy Bradley
8 Rosie Watson - selected for England JHI team and summer tour
9 Martin Skinner
10 Roger Thomas
Also for his JK win - Alastair Thomas
For winning British, Northern, and Scottish Long and Spring Champs - Katrina Hemmingway
Tony BB for his Mountain Bike 3rd place for GB in Gdansk, Poland
Most memorable event - Blakeley Raise night (Long course - 8 finishers, 6 retirals; Short course - 6 finishers, 8 retirals!)
Mapping Award - Pete Nelson
Major Contribution - John Slater
Chris Bland Trophy - Roger Jackson
Junior Star - Katrina Hemmingway
Travelling Scholarship - Lewis Taylor
Awards for 2009
Mapping - Pete Nelson
Chris Bland Trophy - Bob Barnby
Major Contribution Award - Natalie Burns for Clubmark
Team Award - The WCOC Club for 'Club of the Year Award' (BOF?), with special mention to Ged Hagan
Rising Stars - Sam Pagett, Heather Wornham, Chris Whitby, Alex Hargreaves, Kate Skinner, Jenny Bradley, Alastair Thomas
Outstanding Achievement - Mike Billinghurst, Steve Birkinshaw, Hannah Bradley, Rosie Watson, Charlotte Watson, Graham Hemmingway, Katrina Hemmingway, Chris Brand Barker
Junior Star Performer - Charlotte Watson
Most memorable event - Chris Emerson's night event
Awards for 2008
Mapping - Dick Warner
Team Award - Juniors Yvette Baker Trophy team
Major Contribution - Margaret Mackenzie
Chris Bland Memorial - Joyce Hemmingway
Rising Stars Outstanding Achievement/Performance
Ben Emerson Charlotte Watson
Hannah Bradley Rosie Watson
Nathaniel Green Graham Hemmingway
Paul Eaton Susan Skinner
Mike Harrison Mike Noblett
Angela Jackson Mhairi Mackenzie
Esther Moore Hannah Bradley
Katrina Hemmingway Lewis Taylor
Mike Pearson
Junior Star - Charlotte Watson
Special Recognition - the Brand Barker Family
Awards voted for by Club members:
Most memorable event - Setmurthy New Years Day 2009 (Dave Fenwick)
Club Personality - Ged Hagan
Junior Personality - Lewis Taylor
Awards for 2007
Mapping - for continued production of quality maps (and for the 5th time in a row) - Andy Warner
Major Contribution - Nettie Billinghurst, for sterling efforts in producing our topdrawer newsletter for a number of years (over 50 editions).
First time the Major Contribution awarded so it was agreed to recognise, for their hard work in previous years:
Rob Holder - for many years organising and being involved in so many aspects of the club
Duncan Taylor - for tireless work in coordination and producing results for evening events
Walter Harrison - the father of our Spring Series, which he organised (even years after he hung up his O shoes)
Roger Jackson - for his continued efforts in so many facets of the club.
Rising Stars: Outstanding Achievement/Performance
Charlotte Watson Mike Noblett
Nathaniel Green Lewis Taylor
Michael Green Rosie Watson
Alice Rae Charlotte Watson
Sam Cockbain Graham Hemmingway
John Cowper Mike Billinghurst
Hannah Bradley Susan Skinner
Paul Eaton Margaret Mackenzie
Ben Emerson
Brian Wilson
Mel Bradley
Debbie Watson
Junior Star (annual award) - Charlotte Watson
Awards voted for by club members:
Most memorable event - Copeland Chase (John Slater)
Club personality - Ged Hagan
Junior personality - Lewis Taylor
Best performance - M40 British Champs Relay Winners